Grand Opening Celebration

Last night we opened the first long-term I Am More Mental Health Resource Center & Gallery at Northshore Mall in Peabody, MA. There were family and friends, representatives from north shore non-profits, portrait subjects, student and professional artists–pretty much everything that I had imagined a year ago when I first sat down with the mall. They kept their promise and generously shared the high traffic area in front of Macy’s so that anyone who visits can find free mental health resources on the north shore.

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I Am More Mental Health Resource Center

Imagine you’re following your kids through the mall, or going to get new glasses, or joining friends for dinner and you come across an island of original fine art of all types–faces of all ages in drawings, paintings, photography, mixed media, accompanied by statements, and the words, “I am more.” Would you be intrigued? You notice signs saying “CANCER SUPPORT,” “RECOVERY SUPPORT,” “MENTAL ILLNESS SUPPORT,” “YOUTH SUPPORT,” and see stacks of cards for free local resources, emergency hotlines, and support groups. You think, “My son could benefit from this,” or “My friend is going through so much and could use support,” or “I didn’t know these things existed.”

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I Am More: Dave

I met Dave thirty-some years ago on my first real date with Iain–a whale-y wedding in Provincetown. All of the whale people were there, but I was just a young outsider who had not yet learned about the world I was entering. Dave was the warm and friendly host who couldn’t care less what I did or where I had come from, I was welcome with him. Over the last few years Iain has spent time working closely with Dave studying the whales off of our coastline and every day he comes home and shakes his head at the positivity of his friend, the joy he is to work with, and the struggles he has endured:

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Call for Art!

At the very first I Am More exhibition in 2018, with no idea where the project was going or if anyone would care or show up, we went a little wild and threw everything at it that we could, because if you only have a weekend to get your message out you might as well go big. It included student art from Gloucester High School and contributions from Cape Ann professional artists, plus an audience participation piece and resources from Cape Ann non-profits like NAMI.

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I Am More: Hasan

Tucked in the back corner of Northshore Mall in Peabody, MA is a non-traditional high school program called the Peabody Learning Academy, and earlier this year I had the privilege of meeting with the staff to see how we could collaborate for the upcoming I Am More exhibition and mental health resource center in a way that would benefit the students, the school and my project, and a portrait of a student seemed like the obvious starting point. They introduced me to Hasan who shared with me what it’s like to suddenly find yourself in a foreign country, with challenges and responsibilities that other children couldn’t imagine:

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Montserrat College of Art

It is interesting to note that when I chose my college path I opted to pursue creative writing instead of art, I guess with the assumption that writing might be a more realistic path to having an income. Then in my senior year, a beloved writing professor admitted to my class that the chances of any of us being published was probably zilch. So I went back to doing what I really enjoyed, which was drawing, never having stepped foot in a college art class.

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I Am More: Nell

Nell and I have been on this journey since the day last year when she saw the I Am More exhibit in the mall and offered her unique perspective. And since then, not only did we birth a portrait and an essay, but also a baby! (I actually did nothing with that one) Iain described this portrait as cozy and comforting, and that’s how I see her family, supporting each other with love and laughter:

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